Stacey Wolf James

Intuitive Inspiring Insightful...

A close up of the bark on a tree.


A close up of the bark on a tree.

Animal Communication

"Stacey is one of the most multi-faceted and gifted intuitives I have ever met"

-James Van Praagh, spirit medium and author of Talking to Heaven & Heaven and Earth

Stacey Wolf James
Stacey Wolf James

Here’s What People Are Saying About Their Sessions!

Stacey Wolf James

T. K

Thank you so much for the reading today. After we talked I felt like a weight was lifted. THANKS for everything!!!!!!

6 months later she wrote: "This morning, I listened to your tape again, and realized that almost everything you told me turned out to be true."

Stacey Wolf James


Thanks so much for speaking with me this morning! You have provided me with wonderful insight. Your session could not have come at a better time in my life! I truly appreciate all your help - you have an amazing gift!

Stacey Wolf James


When I had my first reading with Stacey, I immediately felt like I was talking to a friend. She is fun to talk to, energetic, and extremely insightful. The reading put so many things into perspective for me. She told me things that I had been feeling my whole life, but never acted upon. Thanks to Stacey, I'm not afraid to pursue my dreams.

Stacey Wolf James


In the three years I've been seeing Stacey, the word that most describes the feeling I have about her readings is "comfort". She has comforted me when I felt I was lost or off track and reminded me that it was the track itself was so turbulent, she has encouraged me to go ahead and go on an airplane when I was afraid, she has been the catalyst for healing when I have been out of sorts. And all of this was delivered with a profound humanity and delicious humor. She is a wonderful resource in my life for wellness and strength.

Stacey Wolf James


Stacey is not only uncannily accurate, but her readings can be unpredictable and fun. She nails the truth to the wall while encouraging you to laugh at yourself and see the good in yourself whenever you can. I've been going to her off and on for years, and I've never been disappointed, and she's never failed to amaze me with her accuracy regarding people and events.

Stacey Wolf James


As a psychic, Stacey Wolf is truly gifted. But as a healer there are no words. Stacey has done readings for me approximately six times over the last three years. In the last three years my life has changed dramatically. Through Stacey, I have learned to love my self; to respect my spirit. She has been the catalyst to all the changes that my loved ones see in me. In the journey of my life, I have taken many wrong turns. Stacey's readings and healings have led me to find my true path. She gives love, she shows love, she IS love. Who I am today is fate introducing me to Stacey. During my last trance-channeling session I truly felt connected to the universe. Every morning since, my first thought of the day, "Thank you, God, for blessing me with this day." Some of us are here to learn, some to teach--Stacey Wolf, is here to heal, that is the gift she has given me.

Stacey Wolf James


This was the most meaningful and powerful session I've ever had with a psychic, by far and I have acted on the suggestions. I feel very powerful. I suddenly feel as if I can have everything I need and want to have a fulfilled and rewarding life.

Stacey Wolf James


I just had to tell you how much this reading has helped my family. To know that you contacted my dad was such an incredible experience. You were so warm, and you really relayed the essence of my dad down to a tee. It has touched everyone in my family to hear such positive things about my dad's experience with death and to know he's still the same guy we knew. The whole experience was one of the best things I could have done – I am so at peace with his death now and I feel like I can move on. Thank you so much for your help!!!! We will definitely meet again,

Stacey Wolf James


Over the past several years, I have had the opportunity to talk to other psychics. There are two who have appeared on a prime-time nationwide news program in the evenings. I was a bit hesitant to contact Stacey because I was about at the end of my rope with psychics! I knew in my heart that there was more these psychics could tell me during those readings, but for some reason I was not getting my monies worth... To ask me to draw comparisons between the other two psychics and her...well, there are none. Stacey by far gave me more details about my current life and what I can anticipate for the future than the other two did. What's more is that she provided me accurate details about my life which neither was able to do. Her insight into what I plan to do with my life and what I am gifted to do is phenomenal. I am still literally scratching my head to still uncover something she has said which is not true. I strongly encourage anyone to take that leap and have a reading with her. Your time and money will be well spent. I have even referred my daughter to her! (My only concern? That Stacey may become so booked up with readings that she may not have time for us again!)

Stacey Wolf James


I first became aware of Stacey Wolf when a friend turned me on to her first book. I was amazed at how her words and sense of humor really hit home for me. This encouraged me to schedule a reading. This experience gave a whole new meaning to the word 'accuracy'. She hit the proverbial nail on the head over repeatedly in rapid succession. What I find even more important than her uncanny precision is the insight she provides. I can honestly say I have a clearer understanding of who I am and where I am headed. Stacey's remarkable abilities are only rivaled by her own personal warmth and genuine interest in her clients. Thank You Stacey

Stacey Wolf James


Over the years, I have been extremely fortunate to have the guidance of Stacey Wolf. She has accurately provided me with timely information that has helped me tremendously. She is truly gifted and I will continue to consult her in the future.

Stacey Wolf James


I have been a client of Stacey's now for about six or seven years. Her readings have brought me clarity in the midst of confusion, healing to difficult situations I have been through, and a knowledge of what fabulous new adventures I have yet to embark on. Stacey's predictions regarding the timing of events is impeccable. If she said two weeks, you will see it happen in two weeks. Even after all the readings I have had with her, she continues to amaze me.

Stacey Wolf James


When I first came to Stacey, I was under extreme stress regarding my work and at the same time grieving for my younger sister. Stacey's ability to help heal my heart and inform me with details of my future is an extraordinary gift that comes from God's light. She not only saw into my future, but also looked deeper into the problems that were preventing me from reaching my goals. Thanks to God and Stacey, I am able today to reach high spiritual levels in my life. I can love others and I am able to succeed in my career with pride.

Stacey Wolf James


This was the most profound experience of my life. Being able to communicate with my mom, who passed away, meant everything to me. I can't stop crying. Thank you so much.

Stacey Wolf James


Thank you Stacey! Thanks for the wonderful advice. Most of what you said in last year's reading came to fruition. You are amazing! Thanks again.

Stacey Wolf James


New York

Hi Stacey,

I wanted to share my recent excitement over the events that came true, just like you have predicted! It is amazing how accurate you can be with timing and feelings as well! I'm surely looking forwards for the rest of events to unfold. Thank you again!

Stacey Wolf James


Thank you Stacey!!! I just watched your video and did the process. It has been a truly amazing and moving experience. I feel that it opened me to a level of receiving that I did not know could be achieved in the moment by simply asking. I am amazed and so grateful. Wow. This could be addictive ... Wisdom, Truth and such a beautiful feeling.

Many thanks and much love to you.

Stacey Wolf James


Thank you Stacey!!! I just watched your video and did the process. It has been a truly amazing and moving experience. I feel that it opened me to a level of receiving that I did not know could be achieved in the moment by simply asking. I am amazed and so grateful. Wow. This could be addictive ... Wisdom, Truth and such a beautiful feeling.

Many thanks and much love to you.

Stacey Wolf James

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